Beware: Do not read on an empty stomach.
As this is the second time in one week that I have made this shepherd's pie, and both times it came out perfect, I thought I would share with you my recipe. I think it's traditional to have lamb mince but I used beef mince as I don't eat lamb. I would say this is a pretty simple recipe and is very filling, definitely a bonus. It's supposed to serve four people but me and my boyfriend each take half. (*awkward silence*)
The ingredients you will need:
1 onion
3-4 normal sized carrots
900g minced meat (Beef or lamb)
600g of potatoes
5 dl beef stock
allround bbq marinade for cooking (instead of worcester sauce)
2 tbs tomato puree
2 tbs of milk
85g of butter
Start off by cutting the carrots into coins and chopping up the onion. I used a cutting machine to make the onion very fine, but that's just me. Pop them into a frying pan with a little bit of oil and cook till carrots are a little soft. (The smell of cooking onions is amazing) Then add the mince and cook until done after that you drain any excess water. You then add the tomato puree and bbq marinade or worcester sauce. Unfortunately, they didn't have any worcester sauce in Sweden so the marinade had to do. Stir for a couple of minutes and then add the stock. Once it starts to simmer, put a lid on for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes take the lid off and let it simmer for another 20 minutes.
In the meanwhile, peel then boil the potatoes. Then mash them up in a bowl and add the butter and milk. Once the meat is ready put in oven dish about the same size as the one in the photo. Then add the mashed potato on top. Smooth it out and then put in the oven for about 25minutes.
All in all it probably takes about an hour and half to make in total. That may be a long time for some, but it is totally worth it. I also wanted to mention that you shouldn't be worried if it's a bit liquidy after you put in the beef stock and simmer it. It's normal. I wouldn't recommend draining it. It's meant to be like that to keep the meat moist when put in the oven.
Hope you enjoyed reading :)
Do let me know if you end up using this recipe. You can tweet me at @mllekarenanne and I'll retweet you.
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